Welcome to Reception
In Early Years, children embark on a journey of discovery and exploration. We create a happy and caring atmosphere where all children feel valued and safe and where they will have the opportunity to develop positive relationships with all the adults and children within our setting.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a unique curriculum where children often initiate their own learning through play as well as engaging in planned topic led learning (themes).
We encourage all of our children to play and explore, learn new things, have fun, persevere, concentrate, have their own ideas, make links to their learning and make their own choices to become a confident, independent individual.
Meet The Team
Reception is made up of two classes which are named Murphy and Sharratt.
The teacher in Murphy class on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Mrs Freebury.
The teacher in Murphy class on a Thursday and Friday is Mrs Haxby.
The teacher in Sharratt class is Mrs Sultan.
The other adults you will find in Reception are Mrs Ashcroft, Mrs Kausar and Mrs Khalid.
Important Information
School Day
Reception children start the day at: 8:40am, lunch is at 11:20am - 12:05pm and the children finish the day at 3:00pm.
Personal Belongings
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named. Children need to bring a named water bottle to school everyday.
PE Day
Reception children will have PE on a Monday afternoon. Please can all children come to school in their PE kit, which should be a white t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and then pumps or trainers.
Reading at home
All Reception children will be given a reading book. Reading books are changed every Monday. Please make sure your child has their book bag in school on Monday so that their book can be changed. It is important to read to your child daily and then try to record any comments in their reading records.
Our Learning Environment