Useful Links

Useful Links

Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Emerald Class- Year 1/2

Meet the team

Class Teacher:

Mrs Sultan






Miss Parvais






Long Term Plan


Key Information


School Day

Children start the day at: 8:35am and the children finish the day at 3:05pm.


PE Day

Our P.E day is  every Friday.

Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear on this day.

This could be:

- The child's school hoody

- Black joggers or leggings

- A white top or polo t-shirt

-Black trainers or pumps


Reading Books

New reading books will be sent out every Wednesday or Thursday.

Please make sure your child has their book bag in school everyday but please note that book bags will stay in school on a Wednesday or Thursday evening so that all books can be changed.  It is important to read to your child daily and please record any comments in their reading records.  


Library Day

Our Library day is on every Thursday. Please ensure your child brings in their library book by Wednesday so that they can get it changed weekly.

It is yours and your child's responsibility to keep these books in a good condition. If this is not done then a small charge for a book replacement will be sent out. 



Homework will be sent out every Friday. 

This will be linked to phonics or spellings.

Please continue to read with your child every day.



Our Learning Journey


Autumn 1

 Autumn 1 Topic Web     Autumn 1 Homework Web Autumn 1 - Values Mat

Our Classroom