Tanzanite Class - Year 5
Meet the team
Welcome to Tanzanite class! Mr Kendall and Mrs Parveen are your adults. If you need any help then please ask one of us!
Long Term Plan
Key Information
Year 5 will begin school at 8.35am and we will finish the day 3.05pm.
Personal belongings - please make sure that all water bottles and packed lunches.
Our PE sessions are TUESDAY afternoons. PE uniform is: A hooded sweatshirt, plain white polo, plain dark/blue tracksuit bottoms/leggings and trainers.
Library days are THURSDAY, so please make sure you come to school with your library books so we can change them.
Spellings will be given on a MONDAY to give plenty of time before our test on FRIDAY. (We will have 10 spelling words linked to a spelling rule).
CLASS DOJO - Please check your class dojo for all the most up to date information.