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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Amethyst Class - Year 6

Meet the Team

 Welcome to Amethyst Class! Your class teacher this year is Miss Mooney and we will be supported on a Wednesday afternoon by Mrs Grimshaw.

Long Term Plan


Key Information

PE Day: Monday - please ensure children wear polo shirts, hoodies, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and trainers on this day.

Homework and Spellings will be given out on a Friday to be completed for the following Monday. Please support your child with their homework as much as possible as this will be really helpful in developing their learning this year and preparing them for their SATs.

SATs Week: 12th-15th May 2025

Our Learning Journey

We enjoyed a trip to Carlton Keighley to have a go on the climbing wall. This will help us with our mountains topic and English text, understanding what it is really like to be a mountaineer!

In Science, we are learning about properties and changes of materials. In our first lesson we tested the properties of a variety of materials including magnetism, electrical and thermal conductivity.