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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Our Autumn 1 Journey

Autumn 1- Reception Curriculum Overview

 Autumn 1- Reception Home Learning

Thankfulness Knowledge Mat 

Whole School Song Knowledge Mat

Ruby Reception- Settling in

This week the children have enjoyed visiting and spending their first full day in Reception. The children have really enjoyed exploring both inside and outside the classroom! The children have developed their confidence and relationship building throughout the week! 


Ruby Reception - Please and Thank You

In class we have been thinking about our whole school value of thankfulness, we have  talked about the importance of saying please when we ask for something and thank you when we receive something. We have been singing the 'Please and Thank You Song' to the well known tune of Frére Jacques.

Please and Thank You Song

One of our stories this half term in English is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

At the start of the week, 3 different sized bowls and spoons arrived with porridge oats. The children predicted who they thought had left the porridge. On Thursday a parcel was delivered, with all of the ingredients we needed to make porridge. Baby Bear had sent this to Ruby class! The children made porridge and chose their own toppings. The children then created some work based around what they put in their porridge, and how it tasted! Ruby Class have really enjoyed English this week!



In English this week our 'let’s say', was let’s say we are bears! We learnt about bears, we even became bears and had our very own cave to explore. One of our golden challenges this week was to draw what we would look like as a bear and what our bear name would be. Later on in the week a problem arose, we found out that Goldilocks had locked the three bears out of their house. So we helped the bears by building them their very own cave!


This week the children have been learning about seasons, with a strong focus on Autumn. We have learnt about the changes that take place in Autumn through different activities. We have made notes about the changes that we could see in pictures. The children have been crafting autumnal pictures, leaf rubbing and lots more! 


The children had a surprise appear in the playground. There was a nest and inside there were 3 eggs. The children thought about what might live in a nest and hatch from the eggs. The next day when we checked on the eggs, they had hatched! We had 3 baby owls in the nest and we spoke about the owls and described how the owls looked. We discovered that our new story is Owl babies! 


The children really enjoyed Diwali day and have enjoyed digging deeper into Diwali in provision. The children learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and how Diwali is celebrated. The children made and decorated Diya lamps, made Rangoli patterns, made Mehndi patterns and made some very sparkly firework pictures! In class we read the story of Rama and Sita and how this story links to Diwali. We have had a great time learning about Diwali!