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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Being a church school

Keighley St Andrew's is a church school in the heart of Keighley.

Through our whole-school vision, 'Guided by God, we build a community of learners who flourish and are filled with hope.'we welcome pupils from a range of backgrounds, faiths and religions into our school family, embracing and celebrating both differences and similarities. 

'Go and do likewise' Luke 10:37

All our decision making at Keighley St Andrew's stem from our vision with the pupils and community at the heart of what we do. We have close links with St Andrew's Parish church and Rev. Mike Cansdale who, along with his team, leads collective worship in school every Tuesday. 


Read our most recent SIAMS report here


Our School Values

At Keighley St Andrew's, we have six core values that reflect our Christian ethos, we encourage our children to recognise these throughout daily school life.

Our values are:

  • Thankfulness
  • Peace
  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Trust
  • Community

All members of our school family belong to a 'house'. There are 6 houses, each representing a core value. Throughout the year, children and adults are encouraged to gain house points for their team. They can earn house points by using their learning powers or by demonstrating any of our school values. The 'house points' are collated on a weekly basis and the results shared during celebration worship. At the end of each half term, the house with the most points will be rewarded with a non-uniform day where they can wear their house colour and hoodie with pride!

Each week, pupils will lead a worship session based on their values learning. Both pupils and parents will be invited to the collective worship session to gather together as a school family and share our school values. 

This year (24/25) the pupils will be studying the curriculum on Cycle B.

In addition to this, pupils are set good Samaritan challenges each half term in connection with the parish Church. 

Worship Council

Pupils have the opportunity to join the worship council within school where within their role, they evaluate, plan and deliver worship sessions both in school and in church. 

Our worship council will take the lead on the following annual events:

  • Harvest Festival
  • Christingle service
  • Easter service

In addition to this, the Worship Council will work closely with Miss Mooney (RE Lead) to support in the design and implementation of other events and learning opportunities throughout the school year such as Good Samaritan Week and Interfaith Week. 



Spirituality at Keighley St Andrew's

We have introduced spirituality as:


We believe that the following building blocks enable all members of our school family to flourish spiritually:

Pupils and staff alike:

  • Hold beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings, values and beliefs.
  • Have a love of learning and a fascination with finding out more developing the sense of ‘wonder’.
  • Operate both imaginatively and creatively.
  • Reflect on their experiences, putting into action what they have learned, believe and value both in school and out.