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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Sapphire Class - Year 3/4

Meet the team

Welcome to our class page!

Class teacher: Miss Haley

LSA: Mrs A Saeed

Long Term Plan

Long term plan

Key Information


Year 3/4 will begin school at 8:35am and we will finish the day at 3:05pm.

PE Days: We will take part in PE sessions on a FRIDAY afternoon.  

PE Uniform: St Andrews' hooded sweatshirt, a white plain polo shirt, plain tracksuit bottoms/leggings (dark blue/black), suitable trainers.

Library: We will read in the library on a TUESDAY so please remember to bring your library on this day.  We will try to replace the books every couple of weeks so that it gives each child time to read their chosen book.

Spellings: We will learn 10 spelling words (linked to a specific spelling rule) every Monday and then children will be quizzed on these words on a Friday.

Homework: We will hand out 1 piece of Maths and 1 piece of SPaG each week on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. 

Each child has been added to ClassDojo.  Please make sure you have added our Year Group so that you can keep updated on your child's day at school.  Please ask a member of staff if you have any problems with this.

Our Learning Journey

Autumn 1

Curriculum Web - Autumn 1Autumn 1 Homework WebAutumn 1 Thankfulness Knowledge Mat

In English, we have started the prediction phase for our key text ‘Stone Age Boy’. Yesterday, the children were given some picture clues. The children had to think about what could be happening in the story? what might happen next? The children produced some excellent predictions!

In English, we have started the prediction phase for our key text ‘Stone Age Boy’. Yesterday, the children were given some picture clues. The children had to think about what could be happening in the story? what might happen next? The children produced some excellent predictions!

This half term, we have been looking at place value in Math's. This week, we have been looking at representing two, three and four-digit numbers in different ways. 

 This half term, we have been learning about the artist Jeffery Andrews. Jeffery is an artist who creates sculptures and wraps buildings in sheets to create prints. He also uses collage to create mixed media.

He goes into schools to share his work and inspires us to create artwork from a different time period.

We were lucky enough to spend half a day with Jeffery Andrews. We were transformed into archaeologists and we found lots of interesting artefacts. 


This half term in science, our topic has been Animals including humans. During one lesson, the children enjoyed working together to build a skeleton and learning about the common and scientific names for the different bones in our body.

In our final week, we walked down to church for the annual harvest festival service. During the service, we discussed what is harvest festival, why we celebrate it and we also sang some harvest songs. In addition to this, a number of children brought in food donations for families who are less fortunate than us, these were brought down to church with us. 

Autumn 2

Front cover and knowledge map for peace

During our first week back, we were looking at our local area in topic. The children enjoyed working on the Ipads and finding different towns, cities and familiar places on google maps in our local area.