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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

SENDCo – Miss Rachel Watmough

To speak to Miss Watmough please contact the school office on 01535 604656.

 SEND Policy

SEND Information Report 2024-2025

SEND Strategy


Introduction to SEND: 

This page is intended to give you information regarding the ways in which we ensure that we support all of our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), in order that they can reach their full potential. It may not list every skill, resource and technique we employ in order to achieve this, as they are continually developed and used to modify our provision to meet the changing requirements for individual pupils.

Our local offer:

 In Bradford, all schools have a similar graduated approach to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs  make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible to meet the needs of pupils with SEND being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. More information on Bradford's Local Offer can be found here.

Our School's approach to SEND:


We are a fully inclusive, mainstream primary school who pride ourselves on going that extra mile to ensure ALL children are included and challenged to achieve their potential. We ensure that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically, in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs.

Prior to the school admitting a pupil with disabilities, the SENco meets with the relevant professionals involved to ensure that the school can meet the needs of the child effectively. Provision is then put in place to meet these needs and ensure full and equal access to school life. The school has a disabled toilet and washing facilities and all areas of the school building and grounds are accessible.

Children may be identified as having special educational needs when their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions or resources put in place do not enable improvement. Once this occurs, we have specific resources and plans which help support their development and accelerate progress.

If necessary, referrals may be made with other professional agencies for further support, for example specialist teachers from within Bradford's SEN team (SCIL team), an educational psychologist, a speech and language therapist (SALT), the school nurse etc. Parents would be kept fully informed about any steps taken and consent is always gained before any referrals of this kind are made.

Other useful documents, such as our SEND Policy and Strategy can be found above. If you would like any further information about what we are able to offer at Keighley St. Andrew's CE Primary School, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.