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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Aquamarine Class - Year 6

Welcome to Aquamarine's class page.

Meet the team

                       Class Teacher:  Mr Fawkes                            



Hello, I'm Mr Fawkes and I am excited at being Aquamarine's class teacher this year.

I have taught in KS2 for over 10 years and I’m eagerly anticipating my second year in Year 6. Throughout my decade in teaching, I have developed a well established a well-rounded subject knowledge but everyday is a learning day so I relish the opportunity for the children to learn from me but also for me learn from them. I enjoy reading and have become really immersed in some of the texts this year (more than what I expected); especially Wonder and Once.

I have a passion for PE and sport. I have really enjoyed organising events such as Sports Week and Sports Day. It has been fantastic to see the enjoyment and energy that all the children have put into these events. I’m looking forward to bringing more sporting opportunities into our school curriculum and wider school life over the coming year.

Long Term Plan


Key Information

Our PE day is a Monday. PE kit must be worn on that day.

PE Kit - Trainers, Black/Navy Tracksuit bottoms/Leggings, White t-shirt or polo shirt, School hoody.

Library Day - Monday

SATS Week - 12th May -15th May

Our residential visit to Halton Gill is May 19th to the 21st.

Our Learning Journey

Autumn 1 - Everest

This half term I cannot wait to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the tallest mountain in the world....Mount Everest. We will do this via following the journey of the first people to reach its summit - Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Furthermore, we will learn about other mountains in the world whilst also delving into materials and their properties in Science and looking at the value of Thankfulness. In Maths, we will start with Place Value before moving onto the calculations of addition and subtraction.



Autumn 2 - Ancient Egypt

This half term becomes all about discovering Ancient Egypt. Through our humanities lessons we will learn the Ancient Egyptian way of life and learn about different aspects through a Lets Say. Our English will focus upon adapted fairytales using the text Egyptian Cinderella as our focus text which will lead to us writing our own adapted fairytales. In Maths, we will carry on tackling calculations and get a good understanding of the long written methods for both multiplication and division before finishing off looking at shape and angles. Our Science topic will be Animals including Humans with a particular focus on the circulatory system whilst we explore our next value of Peace.

Spring 1 - Curiosity: The story of a Mars Rover

Exciting times lay ahead as we plunge into the depths of Space using a text that follows the mission of NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity. The text will inspire our English learning whilst in Maths we start to focus on Measurement. Our science focus is around forces and carrying out some intriguing investigations to understand them in greater detail and we will delve further into our value of Courage this half term.


Pictures throughout the Year


Class Photo


Climbing at Carlton Keighley


Climbing at Carlton Keighley