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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School


This page shares information about our governing body. According the NGA (National Governance Association), the governing body are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together, with the headteacher, who is responsible for day to day management, they set the school aims and policies. 

The governing board provides strategic leadership and accountability in schools. It has 3 key functions:

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. 
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

The governing body meet every half term. 

To find out more about our governors, please see below. 

Chair - Mr P Eden (Foundation Governor)

I am currently a secondary school specialist in Science at a local secondary school. Joining the governing body of Keighley St Andrews will widen my understanding of primary school practice whilst ensuring I play my part in ensuring pupils are ready for their next stage in education. 

Declaration of interest: Yes

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: All

Appointment date: March 2023

Term of Office: 4 years

Vice Chair - Mrs A Agbai (Foundation Governor)

I am delighted to be part of the extended leadership team at Keighley St Andrews. I have two young children in secondary school and passionate about education. As a foundation governor, I would like the opportunity to create and maintain a safe and thriving learning environment for our children. 

My background is in technology and business and have worked as finance officer in an investment company for a number of years. I am currently the treasurer for the Keighley Parish.

I am passionate about performance management, improvement and have a keen eye for details.

Declaration of interest: None

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: All

Appointment date: March 2023

Term of Office: 4 years

Mr B. Sharif (Local Authority Governor)

I volunteered to become a parent governor  at Keighley Saint Andrews after being asked by fellow parents.

I was a pupil at this school in the 1980s and my own children were studying here and I wanted to offer my assistance to the school. As my children have left I am now a Local Authority Governor. 

I live and work in the area. I previously played football and rugby but nowadays prefer fell walking and mountain climbing.

I am also a long suffering Leeds United and Keighley Cougars supporter.

Declaration of interest: Yes

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: All

Appointment date: March 2023

Term of Office: 4 years

Miss S Kyriakides (Foundation Governor)

I have recently been appointed as a Foundation Governor at Keighley St Andrew's Primary School. I am currently a senior leader at another local primary school and look forward to sharing my skills and expertise with the team and ensuring that we play a key role in enabling children to flourish and be filled with hope. 

Declaration of interest: None

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: None (Maternity leave)

 Appointment date: March 2023

Term of Office: 4 years

Miss A Turner-Rhodes (Foundation Governor)

My son currently attends Keighley St Andrews and I believe it is an important part of my role as a parent to be actively involved in the strategic direction of the school. Having been a governor for some time, I am keen to bring in the changes that have been needed. 

Declaration of interest: None

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: 2

Appointment date: May 2021

Term of Office: 4 years

Mrs J McDonough (Foundation Governor)

Declaration of interest: None

Material interest: None

Business interest: None

Meetings attended 2023-24: 1

Appointment date: June 2023

Term of Office: 4 years