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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Our Spring Journey

Spring 1 Learning Journey

Spring 1 Home Learning

Spring 1 

For our hook lesson in English we sampled different pieces of chocolate. We didn't know what type of chocolate it was. We used adjectives to describe what the chocolate looked and tasted like. The chocolates tasted delicious! Chocolate links to our English text this half term, which is 'The Ferocious Chocolate Wolf.' So far we have read the book, made predictions and answered retrieval questions based on the book. Over the term we will be writing character description's and writing instructions.




We had a visit from Bridget who is from Keighley Healthy Living. Bridget spoke to us about all of the work that they do and how they support the local community. Bridget also spoke about why it is important to keep healthy and how we can do this. We did some dancing, moving and some relaxation activities! We had great fun! We awarded Bridget £52.50 from the money we raised last half term! We got given a goodie bag, which included some information, a pen, fruit and a reusable bag! Thank you again for all your donations to help Keighley Healthy Living!


Spring 2 Learning Journey 

Spring 2 Home Learning 

Spring 2

For our hook lesson for our seaside topics this half term,we took a trip to the beach! While at the beach we played in sand, sea, we played with Punch and Judy puppets and even had ice lollies. Once heading back from the beach we made pinwheels and listened to different seaside sounds! We had lots of fun!



In DT this half term we have been learning about puppets. The children have made two different types of puppets so far. These being finger puppets and puppets with moving parts, the children have then used their puppets to tell a story. Over the next few weeks the children will be designing and making sock puppets. The children will work with a partner to create and act out their own stories.