Our Autumn Journey
Friday 8th September 2023
We have had a super busy first week back to school! I am so proud of how hard all the children have worked; especially the Year 1 children that have joined us from Reception!
This week we reminded ourselves about the parable of the Good Samaritan. We talked about We talked about how this story links to our school values; especially compassion, courage and trust! We used the Whoosh Bible to act out the story and then reflected on questions such as 'Who is my neighbour?'
Friday 15th September 2023
What another busy week it has been in Diamond Class!
On Monday, we found a map in our classroom. We noticed it was a map of a farm; we spotted some farm animals, fields, a barn and a pond. We wondered what the 'X' marked. We thought it could be treasure! We used mini figures to follow the path on the map. We made animal noises to show what animal we were passing! It was great fun and very noisy! Today we found out the map was from the book we are going to be focussing on this half term; What the Ladybird Heard!
In maths we have been working super hard on place value. This week Year 1 looked at numbers to 20 and completed their very first tiered challenge! Year 2 were introduced to the more than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) symbols. We have been comparing 2 2 digit numbers by drawing the tens and ones to help us.
In topic, our big question is 'Where is the best place to have a farm?' Today we completed a cold knowledge harvest to see what we already know. We sorted photographs into 'town' or 'countryside'... I feel there's a lot of learning to be done in order to be able to answer our question by the end of this half term!
Friday 22nd September 2023
An end to another eventful week in Diamond class.
In English this week, children began work on their toolkit phase. We learnt that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet and that they all have a letter name and a letter sound. We found out capital letters are only ever used to begin words (never in the middle or at the end). Year 2 children went further and learnt that there are some words which must always begin with a capital letter, such as names of people and places.
In Geography, we found out what a farm is. We know it is a piece of land used to grow crops and/or raise animals for produce. People who grow this produce are called “farmers”, and their work is called “farming”. Farms come in all shapes and sizes, with some being very large and others very small. We designed our own farms. Have a look at Rida's farm design above!
Friday 29th September 2023
We've worked super hard this week.
Year 1 children have been trying really hard to write their own sentences. Today we wrote some sentences describing Hefty Hugh. Check out Ananthika's lovely sentences! Year 2 went a step further and they recorded sentences using expanded noun phrases.
In maths this week, we have worked on finding 1 more than numbers. We started off working practically and then using pictures to help us. On Monday we will look at how to do this mentally.
In topic children found out that there are 3 main types of settlement; villages, towns and cities. Why don't you ask them what type of settlement Keighley is?
Thursday 5th October 2023
Lots of learning has been happening in Diamond Class this week.
In English we wrote some WANTED posters about Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len. We applied what we learnt about capital letters, finger spaces, punctuation and adjectives to help us create our posters. The children did a super job.
In Maths we have been looking at finding one less than any number up to 20 for Year 1 and up to 100 for Year 2.
In Geography we have learnt about the four compass points. North, south, east and west. We learnt a funy rhyme to help us remember the order; Nelly Elephant Squirts Water!
In RE we have been thinking about all the wonderful things God has created. We looked at some photographs from around the world and talked about what we could see. We then collected adjectives to describe the things we could see. We used these to write thank you prayers to thank God for His marvellous creation.
Friday 13th October 2023
This week in out lesson we had a go at creating landscape paintings inspired by David Hockney. We applied what we have learnt about colour mixing to create lighter and darker shades and also create new colours.
Autumn 2 - Homework Learning Web
Friday 3rd November 2023
This week, we started reading our new book: Leaf. We started the week by making some predictions on what we thought the book would be about. We had some objects such as a fluffy, white blanket, a crow teddy and a leaf. We had some really good ideas!
When we started reading, we found out that it is about a polar bear who somehow ends up in the woods! The woodland creatures do not talk to him because they find him weird! We did some role-play and acted out what the animals might say about him. We then completed a cold knowledge harvest by writing diary entries from the bear's POV!
Friday 10th November 2023
In RE today, we looked at the Christmas Story. We retold the story using pictures. We asked questions such as 'Why is Jesus special?' to dig deeper into understanding the story.
Friday 17th November 2023
Today we welcomed parent's to join us for our 'As the pages turn' session. Parents and children had the chance to share books together. The children loved it!
Friday 1st December 2023
Today we looked at Georges Seurat’s painting ‘The Canal at Gravelines, in the Direction of the Sea’. We learn that this painting is made up of lots of tiny dots. We thought about which tools we would need to use to recreate this digitally. We had a go at creating images of sunflowers using pointillism. Today we looked at Georges Seurat’s painting ‘The Canal at Gravelines, in the Direction of the Sea’. We learn that this painting is made up of lots of tiny dots. We thought about which tools we would need to use to recreate this digitally. We had a go at creating images of sunflowers using pointillism.