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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Autumn 2 Journey


Half Termly Overview

 Half Termly Home Learning 

Another group of children visited Riddlesden St Mary's to explore their woodland area. We had a great time looking at and collecting leaves of different shapes and sizes. The children wore their splash suits so they could enjoy exploring in the mud and jumping in puddles! We finished the morning by creating some artwork linked to our book The Leaf Thief.

Reception - Woodland Visit


We had a visitor in our classroom over the weekend - do you know what it is? Reception children have been learning all about nocturnal animals, we think our little visitor got a little lost!



In Reception the children have read a beautiful story that tells them how Diwali is celebrated. We have have had some beautiful Diya lamps to look at and we have had a go at drawing and labelling our own. Some of the girls enjoyed setting up a Diwali party, they made invites and decorated the home corner.

Reception - Diwali Celebrations

The children in Reception enjoyed a great trip to Cliffe Castle in Keighley, we walked there and back and observed lots of seasonal changes - we even spotted a few squirrels too just like the one in our book! Throughout the day we had sun, we had rain, we had hail and we certainly had FUN! The children were absolutely fantastic, they have walked over 13000 steps! 

Reception - Cliffe Castle Seasonal Walk