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Keighley St Andrew's C Of E Primary School

Our Autumn 1 Journey

Ruby Nursery Half Termly Overview

Ruby Reception Half Termly Overview

Ruby Reception Half Termly Home Learning

Thankfulness Knowledge Mat 

Whole School Song Knowledge Mat

Ruby Reception - Please and Thank You

In class we have been thinking about our whole school value of thankfulness, we have  talked about the importance of saying please when we ask for something and thank you when we receive something. We have been singing the 'Please and Thank You Song' to the well known tune of Frére Jacques.

Please and Thank You Song

Ruby Reception - Owl Babies

We had 3 beautiful visitors arrive in our classroom this week. The children wondered if they had flown in through our open window! The owls have spent the week moving around the classroom and exploring our environment, they even left us a super special delivery - a book! For now they are all settled next to our reading area enjoying listening to the children read. 

Ruby Class - Owl Babies

Ruby Reception - Lau Lau Songdrawing

The children in Ruby class enjoyed their first Songdrawing session, Songdrawing is a multi-sensory form of activity in which singing, drawing, movement and story-telling are combined in a holistic and interactive process, and drawings are conjured up by joyful drawing songs.
We all had a great time and we can't wait to do it again!


Ruby Reception - As the Pages Turn Reading Session

Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our first 'As the Pages Turn' session of this academic year. It was lovely to see the children enjoying their books whilst sharing them with their adults. 

Ruby Reception - As the Pages Turn

Ruby Reception - Our First Week

The children have all been super busy settling in at school this week. The whole team in EYFS have been so impressed with how much confidence they have all shown when entering school and getting busy in provision. The children have enjoyed exploring the indoor classrooms as well as the outdoor classroom, however the most exciting part seemed to be going to the hall for lunch! 

Ruby Reception - Our First Week